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"The ideal blend of classification-based diagnostics with movement science"

“As a clinician involved in educating physical therapy students for over 20 years, I am constantly looking for ‘the perfect’ textbook or instructional guide. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but this application designed by the Clinical Pattern Recognition team is as close to perfect as I have ever seen. It is the ideal blend of classification-based diagnostics with movement science. It incorporates a rational, easy process of evaluation and assessment with links to treatment and exercise. It is a useful guide for experienced clinicians to assist in the management of their patients. It is a ‘God send’ for physical therapy students (and faculty) who need help in developing their critical thinking strategies for patient care. This is education technology at it’s finest. The video, audio, graphics and simple layout and design make it easy to navigate, even for a technological novice like me. The app based ‘train’ is the future of physical therapy education, and Clinical Pattern Recognition has made it easy to ‘get on board.’”

Daniel A. Farwell, PT, MS, DPT
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Azusa Pacific University

Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor
Division of Biokinesiology & Physical Therapy
University of Southern California*

*Ranked #1 Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in the United States