Cervicogenic Headaches: The Best Exercises For Relief

The relentless pounding…the intense throbbing…headaches are the worst! Unfortunately, they’re also very common. In fact, they’re the most common reason people use over-the-counter pain medication. Headaches also account for 18 million doctor visits in the US, 156 million work days missed – an estimated $25 billion in productivity losses – every year1.

Do your patients complain of headaches? What Kind – migraines, cluster-type? Maybe, like many of the patients I see, they get headaches stemming from the neck region – these are called Cervicogenic Headaches. The good news with this type of headache is that there are steps you can help them take to alleviate the pain – even without taking medication.

Let’s take a look at what Cervicogenic Headaches are, what causes them, how they differ from other headaches, and – most importantly – how to help alleviate and prevent them from recurring…

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