leg pain

Tibial Stress Fractures


As running become more popular as a form of exercise, the risk for developing musculoskeletal injuries goes up as well. Stress fractures are one of the most serious injuries, it account for 6-20% of injuries in track and field athletes and long distance runners (4) . In runners, stress fracture are most commonly seen in the tibia, which requires an average of 8 weeks of recovery (2).

This post is about tibial stress fractures, what they are, how they occur, and some things your patients can do to help keep them at bay. 


Weekly PhysioStumper #1

27-year-old male complains of 6/10 right buttock and leg pain particularly during prolonged periods of sitting. He described the pain as varying from “sharp and shooting” to “throbbing and aching.” The pain starts in the buttock and radiates down his posterior thigh. Aggravating factors include sitting, flexing the right hip and sleeping on his left side.

Which of the following tests would most likely implicate sensitivity in the nervous system?

3 Things You Need to Know About Disc-Related Leg Pain


"I have a bulging disc!"

How many times have your patients told you this with a sense of surrender before you even begin your subjective exam?

It's time we set the record straight about disc bulges.  We need to let our patients know 3 things:

1. Disc bulges are common

2. Most disc bulges go away on their own

3. There are steps patients can take (and we can help) toward better function and improving disc-related leg pain...

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